Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 10- Library Services

Today lecture was about library services. For that our two librarians Ms Yamini and Ms. Wathsala came as the visiting lecturers. Ms Yamini was the one who conducted the the lecture. She started the lecture explaining the services available in library. Then she talked about the e-library system. In online library we can reserve books, renew books. In e-library and can view articles that has linked to other libraries in banks, universities, companies etc. She also talked about the resources available in library such as books, journals, paper articles, thesis done by earlier student in APIIT etc. 
Figure 1: Library (Blogspot, 2012)

Then she informed us if we find any difficult to find any articles regrading to our course modules let them know by writing,e-mailing or and by meeting them. 

After that she asked whether we have activated the ATHENS accounts. There were very few of us who have activated athens accounts and asked to activated accounts those who have not done yet. After that she concluded the lecture and we all thanked her for giving us knowledge of library services that available to us.

After that Mr Eranjan started the lecture as a continuation of the Ms Yamini's lecture. He asked us to use the library as much as we can because it can be very useful for our final year project (FYP) as well since we have to do a research for the FYP. Since most of them did not have ATHENS account he wanted us to teach how to use it. For that he asked a person who has ATHENS account to come and login many people tried to login including myslef since we forgot our passwords we unable to login and finally Deve was able to login and Mr Eranjan taught us how to use the it. He showed some important links to visit where we can find good articles, books and journals. The good resources that mentioned was ebray, EBSCO, Emerald etc.

At the end of the lecture Mr Eranjan gave us a homework to find out steps in conducting an effective research.

Steps in Conducting an Effective Research
  • Determine your research topic/questions
  • Understand difference between primary and secondary research
  • Determine your scope and timeline
  • Write a research question
  • Learn how to find useful sources
  • Collect some possible sources
  • Begin reading in detail
  • Find a method to take notes on what you read
  • Continue to consider new sources
  • Evaluate the sources you used
  • Keep your research question in your mind
  • Write your tentative thesis
  • Begin write your first draft
  • Begin to add quotes, paraphrases, summaries into your writing
  • Continue writing your first draft, and then revise it
  • Prepare the final draft
                                                    (wikihow, 2012)

Learning Outcomes:-

Information is very useful for whatever the activity we do. We need resources to find information. Library is a place which has all the various resources that helps to find information. A library has book, magazines, journals, annual reports etc. and developed new technology gave birth to online library/e-library. From this our work makes much easier because we can access the library when we are at home also. Also the other main benefit is e-libraries can connect to other e-libraries from this we able to find rich information as well as lots of various types information regarding on particular topic.The best example is APIIT online library it has linked to some banks in Sri Lanka like central bank, peoples bank etc also to IEEE computer society, Emerald etc.

I am happy to say as a APIIT student I am lucky to access online library like ATHENS which has good resources with rich information. By reading books, magazines etc. I can improve my knowledge about different subjects and it helps me to do my projects as well. 

From today's lecture I was more aware about the APIIT library services and resources and I think today lecture will very helpful to do my current project as well  to do my final project as well.


Blogspot. (2012). Library. [Online] available at: 
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgTCDGEMLkUgdkC3tqNk9c4KVOMOAFkdxzruw7zwlnQEf57L_vHDY1uH-QbMfo6ifw-rGyBMyQNNcRhjI83G_QdglsJzcsAKdMlYItrupUJDO0WSCXrTkA4n-ZBUatwktEPGvz3egdQtbuj/s1600/081028_library_books.jpg [Accessed 31st July 2012]

Wikihow. (2012). steps in conducting an effective research. [Online] available at:
http://www.wikihow.com/Conduct-Academic-Research [Accessed 31st July 2012]

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 9 (Part 2)- Personality (Group Work)

Today we had two ARMPD lectures. After the first lecture our lecturer gave a 15 minutes break and started the second lecture. It was a group work. Lecturer divided us to seven groups which a group consists of four members and from each group has to choose one person as the observer, and he/she had to observe some other group that given by the lecturer. From our group I was chosen as the observer.

The Task of the Group:-

You and your group members are in a flight (Plane) and suddenly plane crashed and fallen down to the sea and there was an isolated island. Now you all have to go to that island. Name six items that you'll take to the island.

The Task of the Observer:-

The observer has to observe a group and identify followings,
Who is leading?
Who is giving ideas?
Who is the criticizer?
Who is silent?
Who is the team builder?

I observed Adil's group. In the group I identified Adil is the group leader because he was the activist person in the group and showed some responsibility. When giving ideas all three of them (Adil, Afnan and Tharana) gave new ideas to the group, but Tharana came up with the highest number of ideas. They had good group contribution. I identified Afnan as the criticizer since he criticized most of the ideas given by Adil and Tharana. In the group none of them were silent. They had good interaction and the team builder was Adil when they had arguments and when they were not in track Adil made sure to come back to the track and do the work and finally they successively finished their task.

After the group activity our lecturer gave us a homework. Homework was to do a research on six thinking hats.

Six Thinking Hats

Six thinking hats tool was founded by Edward de Bono. As mentioned in Mind Tools (2012) six thinking hats explained as "an important and powerful technique. It is used to look at decisions from number of perspectives. This focuses you to move outside your habitual thinking style and helps you to get a more rounded view of a situation".

Figure 1:Six Thinking Hats (SlideGeeks, 2012)
White Hat:-
White hat focuses on the data available. Look at the information have and see what can learn from those information. Look at the gaps in the knowledge and try to fill them or take it into account. This is where data from historical data. (Mind Tool, 2012)

Red Hat:-
Red hat looks at problems using intuition, gut reaction and emotion. Also try to think how other people react emotionally. Try to understand other peoples' responses who are not known well. (Mind Tool, 2012)

Black Hat:-
Black hat looks at all the bad point of a decision. Look at it cautiously and defensively. Look at why this decision will not work. This is very helpful because it finds out the weak points and eliminate them and come up with a better plan. (Mind Tools, 2012)

Yellow Hat:-
The yellow hat helps to think positively. It is the optimistic view point helps to see all the benefits and value of the decision. (Mind Tool, 2012)

Green Hat:-
Green hat stands for creativity. This is where can develop creative solutions to problems. It is freewheeling way of thinking in which there is little criticism of ideas. (Mind Tool, 2012)

Blue Hat:-
Blue hat stands for process control. (Mind Tool, 2012)


Mind Tools. (2012). Six Thinking Hats. [Online] available at: 
http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTED_07.htm [Accessed 26th July 2012]

Slide Geek. (2012). Six Thinking Hats. [Online] available at: 
[Accessed 26th July 2012]

Day 9 (Part 1)-Personality

Today lecture started in an interesting way. Before starting the lecture our lecturer said that we have to answer some questions. He gave four questions to answer and after we answered all questions and he asked answers for the questions from us and explained what reflects or lesson to learn from each question. Questions and lesson to learn from each question  as followed,

Q1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? 
A- Open the refrigerator, put the giraffe and close the refrigerator.
Lesson-This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way

Q2. How do you put and elephant into a refrigerator?
A-Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put the elephant into the refrigerator and close the refrigerator.
Lesson- This tests ability to think through percussion of your actions.

Q3. The lion king is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend?
A- Elephant
Lesson- Test the memory

Q4.There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?
A- All the animals in animal conference.
Lesson-Test whether you learn from your mistakes

Above questions explained how we look at a particular question, how we analyse the question and how we design our answers.
After this session, lecturer started the theoretical part of the lecture. Personality is "what others think of you".
According to Bruce Barton personality is "If you have anything really valuable to contribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that single spark of divinity that sets you off and makes you different from every other living creature"
As our lecturer Mr Eranjan, explained when we are talking three eyes are working. They are,
-What others think of my-self
-What I think about my-self
-What really I am
From among mentioned three eyes."What others think of myself" considers as the personality.

Types of Personality

According to John Holland's theory there are six types of personality types. People are one of six personality types: conventional, realistic, investigative, artistic, social and enterprising.

Figure 1: Types of Personality (dadisispeaks, 2012)
The ones who with this personality, likes to work with records, numbers or machines in a set, orderly way.
They avoid ambiguous, unstructured activities. If a person give the work to this personality type person and train the person he will continue the work in a proper manner.
Ex:- Government Employees

The ones who with this personality likes to work with animals (agriculture), tools or machines generally avoids social activities like teaching, nursing and informing others.
They see self as practical, mechanical and realistic.
Ex:- The ones who involve in automobile engineering, carpenters

The ones who with this personality likes to study the problem and solve the problem.
They are good at understanding and solving science and maths problems and they are very bad in persuading
Ex:- Social Scientist, Programmers

The ones who with this personality like to do creative activities like art, drama, dance, music. They generally avoid highly ordered and perspective activities. They have good artistic ability. Sees self as expressive, original and independent.
Ex:- Dancers, Artists

The ones who with this personality likes to do things like to help people like teaching, nursing or giving first aid. They are good at teaching, counselling nursing or giving information. Sees themselves as helpful, friendly and trustworthy.
Ex:- Nurses, Councilors, social workers

The ones who with this personality like to lead and persuade people and do selling things and idea, generally avoids activities like that required to careful observation. Success in politics, leadership on business. Sees self as energetic and ambitious.
Ex:- Ideologist- People with great leadership and persuade others to follow them.

Learning Outcomes:- 

From today's lecture I got a better idea of how i need to analyse a question before I answer to it, types of personality and what type of people belong to each different personality type, the behavior of them. I found today lecture as very interesting and very important to my life.


Dadisispeaks. (2012). Types of personality. [Online] available at: http://dadisispeaks.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/personality.jpg [Accessed 26th July 2012]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 8- Business Ethics

Today's lecture was continuation of yesterday's lecture. Today lecture starts with the topic "Ethical Analysis". In ethic analysis there few steps to follow. Steps of the ethical analysis has mentioned below.

  1. Identify stake holders who involves in ethical issues and the facts pertaining to it- From this can identify who has involved in the problem and from this can explain what really happen.
  2. Define the conflict or dilemma and identify the higher-order values involved-Identify rules and regulations, code of conduct.
  3. Identify the stakeholders-Who are the people involved and what is the impact.
  4. Identify the option that you can reasonably take- Alternatives, non of the alternatives may satisfy all the parties associated, find out consequences from each alternates and come up with better process.
  5. Identify potential consequences of your option- Some ethically correct alternatives may bring disastrous outcome. 
Today we discussed about business ethics. Lecturer started the discussion about business ethics defining what are business ethics.

Business ethics is the study of business situation, activities and decisions where issues of rights and wrong are addressed (Rane & Matten, 2004:8). In business ethics it asks what is right or wrong behavior in business and what principles or rules can be used as guidance in business situations.  
Figure 1:Business Ethics(Forum.belmont, 2008)

There are two characteristics in business ethics, they are

  • Tells people what they ought to do
  • Set of rules or principles
By studying ethics we will be able to not to make ourselves more ethical and helpful to choose right things. There are two levels of concerns in ethics. They are, individual and organizational.

After that lecturer started to discuss about concepts in ethics. There are four concepts in ethics. These concepts used to distinguish ethical from unethical behavior. But each concept has some problem.

The four concepts in ethics

  1. Relativism
  2. Egoism
  3. Utilitarianism
  4. Deontologism
There is no universal guidelines for ethics and measure morality because ethics and morality is changed form country to country , society to society, culture to culture also to sub culture to sub culture. There is no such standard which can judge morality. The problem in this concept is above mention facts. As a result of this problem leads conclusion each person's opinion is correct and no-one does anything morally wrong.

A person acts based on his or her own interest. The problem with this concept is externalities associated with private actions.

The morality of an action can be determined by it's consequences.
Ex:- Harry Truman and decision to drop a bomb to Japan.
The action which was taken by him was unethical but the intention was good because they thought about the national security.
The problem in this concept is can lead to unjust consequences and restrictions against the majority to protect a minority is not utilitarian. 

This word is a Greek word means duty. This concept explains actions are not justified by their consequences  to demonstrate the rightness of the actions. The problem with this concept is there are conflicts between duties.

The next sub topic lecturer discussed was ethical tests. He discussed five types of ethical tests.
  1. Legal Test
Figure 2:Legal Test
2. Benefit Cost Test
Do the benefits exceed the costs to whomever they accure? 

3. Light of Day Test
What would be your reaction of action were brought out into the open public security?
Ex:- Relativism- If public believes a particular action is wrong, then it is wrong.

4. Do Unto Others Test
Gloden rules- If you would like others to do the same to you.

 5. Ventilation Test
Seek out other view. If majority thinks a particular action is unethical, then the action is unethical

From today's lecture I understood how to analyse a ethical problem in a better way. Also understood what ethics in business, concepts in business ethics and problem that has in each concept and ethical tests.


Forum.belmont. (2008). Business Ethics. [Online] available at:
http://forum.belmont.edu/business/archives/Ethics%20Graphic.jpg [Accessed 24th July 2012]

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 7- Ethics

Figure 1:Ethics (Ethics.ukzn.ac.za, 2009)
Today's discussion was about ethics. According to Landauer et al. (2011) ethics has defined as "the branch of study dealing with what is the proper action for man". In other words ethics explains what is correct and what is wrong. Ethics are important for humans. Because person's day to day life goes or depends on the ethics that own by him/her.

Mr. Eranjan our module lecturer started the discussion with asking from the class "What is the meaning of ethics?" Students gave different answers, but from those answers the real definition did not come out. Because of that Mr. Eranjan started to explain what are ethics. There are mainly two components that directly affect on ethics. They are religion and law
  • Religion-Programming of our mind. When we do a particular work tell whether it is right or wrong.
  • Law- Set of guidelines
Religion covers certain spectrum like say what is right and wrong. Remainder is discussed in law like actions of people etc. Ethics change country to country, society to society and culture to culture. This statement proves from following example.
  1. Public Affection- Public affection is allowed in western countries. It is ethical for those countries but in Asian countries like Sri Lanka public affection is not allowed means unethical.
  2. In Sri Lanka if we do not look after our parents we think it is unethical but in western countries like US parents do not depend on their children.
The reason for unethical problems is people do not have morale values. People need to have morale values to be a good citizen. Lecturer further explained about moral values. "Morale values that guides someone life acting as a decision maker to high light what is right and wrong." From this statement it explains, famly background, the society that a person belongs to will affect on the ethics that person owns.

After explained about the general ethics, lecturer started discuss about the relationship of IT and ethics. According to lecturer IT creates loads of unethical problems.

Following mention issues have five moral dimensions,
  • Information rights and obligations
  • Property rights and obligations
  • Accountability and control
  • System quality
  • Quality of life
One of the main unethical problems in IT is privacy of users. Organization take information about users without the knowledge of users. In-order to improve their market concepts and programs they observe the behavior of people. As an example they get records of links a certain person daily use or visit, get information from email accounts etc. This is unethical because the user does not have any idea about this.

After that he discussed about the connection of intimacy and the ethics. More information you share with someone you have more intimacy with that person. As an example More the organization serves the customer, customer relationship will build up in a better way. This is why organization track on peoples' behavior or actions.

After that the lecturer discussed about the basic concepts in ethics.
  • Responsibility- The person acts more ethically is more responsible. When doing something look at the consequences of particular action. All the actions will be accountable.
  • Accountability- Responsibility on the action or decision made.
  • Liability- All legal procedures to find out a person is guilty or not for an unethical action. If the person found as guilty he gets a punishment according to the law.
After that lecturer gave a task to groups. The task was to have a role play on the topic of "How to handle ethical situation". Our group did the role play on the scenario of APIIT dress code. From our group Cindy, shavindra and Sumedha did the role-play.
Figure 2:Role Play
From today's lecture I learnt mainly about the unethical problems that people get with the development of the IT. The values of cultures and ethics and how the external factors affect on ethics. I found today lecture was interesting and there were lots of things that I can add and improve my-self.

"Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious ; it involves not only our thinking, but also our feelings."- Valdemar W. Setzer


Ethics.ukzn.ac.za. (2009). Ethics. [Online] available at:
http://ethics.ukzn.ac.za/Libraries/Default_Image_Library/ethics-9651.sflb.ashx [Accessed 23rd July 2012]

Sezter. W. (2012). Quotes of Ethics. [Online] available at:
http://thinkexist.com/quotes/valdemar_w._setzer/ [Accessed 23rd July 2012]  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 6

Today we had our lecture in the lab. There was a reason for that it was we had practical to do about how our brain work and from that the person categorized whether he/she is visual, auditory or kinesthetic. 

The lecturer Mr Eranjan started the lecture with checking our home work time log and energy cycle drawn by us. After that he started today's lesson with teaching us how to prioritize our time. There are mainly three ways to prioritize the time they are,

  • Spend 75% on the things you MUST do
  • Spend 20% on the things you SHOULD do
  • Spend 5% on the things you LIKE to do

After describing above mentioned ways of prioritize time he talked about Pareto principle which explains 20% effort produces 80% effect. As an example if we work on a particular task the few minutes or hours will result in the majority of the work. This also known as 'intelligent botching'.

After that lecturer explained more about energy cycle. According to ways to prioritize the time, the things that MUST to do should be in the peak level, the things that SHOULD do in moderate level and when energy level is low need to do things we LIKE.

People who waste their time called as time  wasters. There are mainly two types of time waters. They are, self generated and environmental. 

Self generated
  • Disorganization- ex:-Don't know where you keep your books
  • Procrastination- ex:-Go to do some important work and ended up with doing something unnecessary work.
  • Inability to say "No"- Accept things delaying own work.
  • Lack of interest
  • Unnecessary perfectionism-Want everything perfect (unnecessary perfection)
  • Burn-out-Out of energy/exhausted (cannot concentrate on a particular thing)
  • Visitors
  • Telephone calls/e-mails
  • Junk mails
  • Waiting for someone
  • Unproductive meetings- Unwanted meetings will waste time
  • Crises- Natural disasters/power cuts etc.
Lecturer finished theory lesson for the day with explaining different ways to 'stop wasting time!'. After that we started the practical that I mentioned beginning of my post.
Figure 1: Brain Usage Profile


It is a software which tells how our brain works for that first we need to answer 20 questions that provide by the software and there should be consistency of the answers. Based on the answers we give at the end it gives a brain usage profile and a personal evaluation and from that it tell whether the person is visual, auditory or kinesthetic.

Figure 2: Personal Evaluation                                                  

At the end of the lecture I understood how to use my time more efficiently and effectively. Also understood the ways that I can reduce my wasting time. Time is very important we should learn how to use the time appropriately. As we use the time appropriate manner the work we do will be more productive.

From the practical I found out I am an auditory person and got to know more about my self as explained in the software.



Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 5- Goals

Today lecture was about goals. Everyone have their own goals in their lives. Goals can be long term goals, medium term goals or short term goals. I also have goals in my life. Below has mentioned some of main goals.

  • Complete my BIT degree with a 1st class by next year.
  • Be a system analyst 
  • Do my MASTERS within next 3 years
Today beginning of the lecture, lecturer asked each student to say their goals in life. A particular goals should be SMART.
Figure 1: Time management

A particular goal should be,

  • Specific- Mention what exactly going to accomplish
  • Measurable- Measure the goals
  • Action Oriented- Set up things to be done
  • Realistic- Goal is achievable or not
  • Timely- Specified the time (Time period cannot be too long)

 In order to have long terms or short term goals need to have life time goals. 

There are different categories of goals. They are,
  • Artistic goals- Goals of learn how to play a music instrument etc.
  • Attitude goals- Goals that set up to get your mind set right
  • Career goals- Need to identify the level of the career
  • Educational goals- What you want to acquire within a particular time ex:- Learn a language
  • Family goals
  • Financial objectives- How much of salary are you planning to earn within a particular time period
  • Physical objectives- ex:- Lose 10 kilos of weight within 3 months
  • Pleasure- How you want to enjoy yourself
  • Public service goals- How much of social works you want to do
From today's lecture I gained knowledge about different types of goals, SMART strategy.

Everyone like to accomplish their life goals. In-order to accomplish goals time management is useful, because when we manage our time we do our work more productively.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 4- Time Management

Today lecture was about time management. Time is precious to every human being. Now a days people are very busy. Since of the load of the work, most of the people say "I do not have to do this work and that work" etc. Why is that? The problem is they do not mange their time. If we manage our time accordingly then we can do whatever the work we need to do. 

Figure 1: Time Management (Powerhomebiz, 2012)
In today lecture, lecturer gave a brief introduction to what is time management. Time management is a process planning the work, when planning work, gives a specific time period to each work and do the work productively. 

There are various ways to manage time,

  • Tackle the most difficult tasks early in the morning
  • Use to do lists, diaries, wall planners, electronic organizers
  • Say no if you asked to do something or go somewhere
  • Ask why if you are invited to a meeting
  • Give priority to matters which which are urgent rather than those which are important
  • Prioritise tasks and work in that order
  •  Tackle tasks one at a time, or multitask
  • Accept no unscheduled interruptions
  • Delegate where possible
  • Work in a place where you will not be disturbed 
After explaining about the various ways of time management, lecturer discussed about the energy cycle.
Figure 2: Energy Cycle

Each person have their energy cycle based on the physical and psychological aspects. Energy cycle draw using the productive time. Productive time can calculate from below mentioned formula.

Actual Productive Time= Total Productive Time/Total Time

From an energy cycle can identify how the person has spent the day. Whether the day is productive or not. By looking at a energy cycle a person can improve the time management too.

At the end of the lecture, lecturer asked us to create a time log which includes day, time, comments, analysis whether it is a necessary, appropriate or efficient. 

From this lecture I understood the importance of the time management, how I can improve my time managing skills, how to work into a time table, how to manage work. Also I understood from the time management that I can do my work more efficiently and effectively. 

Time cannot be controlled we need to learn how to manage our time !!!


Powerhomebiz. (2012). Time Management. [Online] available at:
 [Accessed 16th July 2012]

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 3-Learning Styles

The topic we did today was mind maps. The lecture started explaining "what is a mind-map?". Mind map holds information in a format that mind finds easy to remember and quick to review. It also a good tool that can use to summarizing. 

There are three types of learning styles. They are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 
Visual people are good at art. They learn things by drawing or looking at pictures. For these type of people mind map is a good tool that can use when they are learning.

Auditory people are good listeners. They learn things by listening. As an example when an auditory person attend to a lecture he/she closes eyes and listen to the lecture and some auditory people study by reading loud. This type of people are less reliance in visualizing. 

Kinesthetic people practically wants to do things and understand.

Then he explained about the usages of mind maps. Mind maps used to generate, visualize, structure, classify ideas, an aid of study, organization information, solving problems and making decisions. 

Figure 1: Mind Map
After that lecturer asked to draw a mind map of "Mind Map" using the theoretical parts he taught about mind maps.

After that lecturer further explain about mind maps.

Mind map is a diagrams used to represent,

  • Words
  • Ideas
  • Task
Finally he explained several structures of mind maps and end of the lecture he gave a task, that was to draw a mind map for "Systems". Systems that we learnt in our modules.

At the end of the lecture I got a clear idea about mind maps.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 2

The second day of ARMPD lecture, the module lecturer Mr Eranjan informed us all the lectures for ARMPD will be conducted as workshops. In-order to that, students were randomly put into groups. One group consisted of 6 members. 

In my group there were five girls (Judith, Thazneema, Tiffani, Bhagya and my self) and one boy (Udith). Each group asked to draw a logo for the group and put a name for the group. All the group members were discussed and came up with a name and a logo for our group. We named our group "Angels & Brat" and our logo was a dove which represents peace and purity.

Figure 1: Logo
Our next task was to introduce one of the group members to the class. I introduced Judith and Judith introduced me to the class.

Figure 2: Group Members
 During the second task "introduce a group member" I got to know more about my classmates and I must mention it was a day filled with fun and joy. Everyone in the class including the lecturer spent a nice time.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 1- Introduction

Today is the first day for the module ARMPD. MR. Eranjan the module lecturer gave a brief introduction to the module. Then talked about what exactly expect from us from this module and importance of this module.

After that discussed about the different types of skills that will be useful for professional development, they are cognitive skills, effective skills, motor skills and further discussed about each skill.
Cognitive Skills
There are four levels of in cognitive skills. They are knowledge, understand, evaluate and synthesis.
Effective Skills
Under effective skills discussed about the time management, punctuality and attentive to details.
Motor Skills
Motor skills explained as the skill of efficiency and the effectiveness of conduct a task.

At the end of the lecture I got a better idea of the module and the learning out comes of the module and what kind of skills that I need to build up in-order to develop my professionalism.